I’m a postdoctoral researcher at HKA Karlsruhe (DE) and the University of Freiburg (DE; my office is here), since November 2023. Together with Peter Thiemann and Martin Sulzmann, I work on the trace-based analysis of data races in concurrent programs.
I did my PhD at the Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen (NL) for the VIDI project Unifying Correctness for Communicating Software under the supervision of Jorge A. Pérez, from October 2019 until September 2023. In April 2024 I successfully defended my dissertation, titled “Correctly Communicating Software: Distributed, Asynchronous, and Beyond” and available here.
Selected Publications
2024: Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) with Jorge A. Pérez
Asynchronous Session-Based Concurrency: Deadlock-freedom in Cyclic Process Networks
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2024: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) with Jorge A. Pérez
Comparing Session Type Systems derived from Linear Logic
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2022: Science of Computer Programming with Jorge A. Pérez
A decentralized analysis of multiparty protocols
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2024: ECOOP with Farzaneh Derakhshan and Stephanie Balzer
Information Flow Control in Cyclic Process Networks
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2024: MFPS with Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho, Joseph W. N. Paulus and Jorge A. Pérez
Typed Non-determinism in Concurrent Calculi: The Eager Way
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2023: APLAS with Joseph W. N. Paulus, Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho and Jorge A. Pérez
Typed Non-determinism in Functional and Concurrent Calculi
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2023: RV with Jorge A. Pérez and Rares A. Dobre
Monitoring Blackbox Implementations of Multiparty Session Protocols
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2022: OOPSLA with Emanuele D’Osualdo, Dan Frumin and Jorge A. Pérez
A Bunch of Sessions: A Propositions-as-Sessions Interpretation of Bunched Implications in Channel-Based Concurrency
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2024: ICE (invited talk) with Jorge A. Pérez
A gentle overview of asynchronous session-based concurrency: Deadlock freedom by typing
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2022: EXPRESS/SOS with Jorge A. Pérez
Asynchronous Functional Sessions: Cyclic and Concurrent
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2020: PLACES with Jorge A. Pérez
Session Type Systems based on Linear Logic: Classical versus Intuitionistic
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